5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

It is May! Did you know that this month is focused on the awareness of Mental Health? 

Especially with the last year and a half more people are struggling with their mental health due to the isolation, huge changes in daily life and more! I wanted to share with you some skills and options that I do to get grounded and to help improve my mood. 

1.Reach Out

On tough days, reach out to friends and family to talk to them about what is going on and what you need. Some days I find that if I just talk out loud to someone that is willing to listen that it immediately helps. Another good way to reach out is to read. There are so many amazing books written by professionals in their fields on such a variety of topics that can expand your knowledge, give you insight on certain situations and provide advice to help.

2. Get Outside

Fresh air, sunshine, and feeling the breeze on  your skin can do amazing things to your mood. If you can’t get outside, look out the window, smell flowers, or just imagine being somewhere like on your last vacation and notice how you feel afterwards. 

3. Self-Care

It is important to take some time and do something JUST for YOU. This can be getting your nails done, going for a hike, treating yourself to a fancy meal or whatever you want. I have always been told you can’t help others if your cup is empty, so make sure to take care of you first. Sometimes it is ok to put yourself first!

4. Mindfulness Skills and Exercises

I have recently learned about DBT, which stands for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I have been learning new skills with a licensed therapist for the past year and I can tell you that they have helped me daily through my ups and downs. Not all skills are for everyone or every situation but it is enlightening and life-altering in helping you regulate your emotions and stay grounded in uncertain times. 

5. Therapy

Like I mentioned before, it can be a good thing to reach out to a therapist as well. There are so many different options now that it is easy to find a therapist that fits you and your budget. 

One of the main purposes of this month’s campaign is to raise awareness that mental health is an important part of our lives and that there should not be a stigma when someone is diagnosed with an mental illness or when they reach out for help. Never be afraid to admit or ask for help!


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